Andrea Amelio

Bocconi University ·

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Bocconi University.

In my research, I use theoretically driven experiments to investigate different topics in Behavioral Economics. Broadly, I am interested in how different features of cognition impact economic decision-making, especially through the mediation of beliefs. More specifically, I study the mechanisms through which individuals integrate new information, and how this affects economic outcomes both at the individual and aggregate levels.

Job Market Paper

Social Learning, Behavioral Biases and Group Outcomes

I study how social learning can amplify or reduce errors in economic reasoning induced by well-known behavioral biases.


Motivated Memory in Economics - A Review

Games, Special Issue on Economics of Motivated Beliefs, February 2023
(joint with F. Zimmermann)


Contingent Belief Updating

(joint with C. Aina, K. Brütt)
We study how contingent thinking – that is, reasoning through all possible contingencies without knowing which is realized – affects belief updating.

Can Information Be Too Much? Information Source Selection and Beliefs

I study how the number of available information sources impact agents' ability to (i) select reliable sources and (ii) use their content effectively to update their beliefs.

Cognitive Uncertainty and Overconfidence

I study how awareness of one's own imprecision is related to overconfidence.